Welcome to the HiRMS Media Center's online hub of information for families and caregivers of all kinds! We're here to support you.

Articles & Resources

Need help deciphering "education speak"?

  • Click the banner below to search a website that defines even the most complicated education terms. 


    the glossary of education reform for journalists, parents, and community members


    CAREGIVER PERK: Did you know that our library books, including our professional resources, are available for caregivers to check out? If you'd like to explore resources on a subject area, child development, learning styles, or more...just let us know when you're coming and we'll give you a tour! We're happy to check out resources for you on your child's account.


  • Read, Engage, Ask, Discuss.

    Books can open doors into sensitive topics. Ease into complex conversations with your child by reading a book together.

    Click a list below to see some of our books that relate to each theme.

Last Modified on February 21, 2022