• text: for the info nerd, the booklover, the curious, the ones who just wanna talk

  • Welcome to the HiRMS Media Center!  We are so excited to share our space and resources with you.  Our library is home to the info nerd, the booklover, the curious, and the ones who just wanna talk.  Let us know if we can help you in any way, and definitely let us know if you just need an understanding ear while you freak out over the ending of your favorite series!  Hey, bet you a dollar that we have another great one for you to start next.



    The Hickory Ridge Middle School (HiRMS) Media Center (MC) exists to support students, teachers, and the HiRMS community as we read, learn, think, and grow together. HiRMS Media Center: for the info nerd, the booklover, the curious, and the ones who just wanna talk.



    The Media Center will be the heart of a robust instructional program that values reading widely for pleasure and reading critically for the development of understanding. It will equip students and teachers with skills necessary for critical thinking, collaboration, communication, and creativity while providing a broad array of resources to support these skills. Resources will not only reflect the interests, lives, and histories of our students, but they will open doors to new regions and perspectives, providing students with a foundation for building a responsible and compassionate mindset toward local and global issues.

  • Follow us on social media to see what's happening in the Media Center AND to get sneak peeks of what's going on our shelves! Click the links or icons below.

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  • External Content Note: We feature a variety of links to external content on our website and social media pages. Linking to the content is in no way an endorsement of an entire website, company/organization, or their associated ideals, especially since online content continually changes. If you encounter a broken link or feel that the content may have changed outside our scope, feel free to contact us so we can evaluate the resource again.

Last Modified on May 2, 2023