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Professional Book Picks

  • How to Differentiate Instruction in Academically Diverse Classrooms

    by Carol Ann Tomlinson Year Published: 2017 (3rd ed.) See Mrs. Warr to borrow.

    "Written as a practical guide for teachers, this covers the fundamentals of differentiation and provides additional guidelines and new strategies for how to go about it." --Publisher

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  • Better than Carrots or Sticks

    by Smith, Fisher, & Frey Year Published: 2015 PRO 371.102 SMI

    "A practical blueprint for creating a cooperative and respectful classroom climate in which students and teachers work through behavioral issues together." --Publisher

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  • We Got This

    by Cornelius Minor Year Published: 2019 PRO 371.82 MIN

    "Authentically listening to kids is the closest thing to a superpower that we have. Cornelius identifies tools, attributes, and strategies that can augment our listening." --Publisher

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  • Being the Change

    by Sara K. Ahmed Year Published: 2018 PRO 372 AHM

    "How do we create learning conditions where kids can ask the questions they want to ask, muddle through how to say the things they are thinking, and have tough conversations?"


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Last Modified on October 14, 2022