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Checking Out & Checking In
- Students may have 2 books checked out at a time
- Checkout lasts for 15 school days (so weekends and days off don't count)
- You can check the due date in Destiny under My Stuff > Checkouts
- Renew a book you already have checked out by bringing it to us before it's overdue
- You may renew once for a TOTAL checkout time of up to 6 weeks - renewing resets the 15-day period
Overdue & Lost Books
- Students who have overdue or lost books may not check out more
- After 30 days overdue, the book is automatically marked lost
- To clear your account of an overdue or lost book, return the book or pay to replace it
- Returning a book CLEARS the replacement cost - you do not have to pay if you return it
- Pay lost book fees in person to Ms. Hunter or Ms. Warr with near-exact cash or check made out to Hickory Ridge Middle School
- There is not currently an online payment option, and we only keep small amounts of change
Shelf Care
- Books stay pushed to the front edge of the shelf
- Use the bookends to keep books to the left and standing straight up
- Replace them carefully so pages don't bend and other books don't get stuck at the back
- Keep the spine outward and the shelf tag at the bottom (unless it's too tall to fit with the spine showing)
- If you're not sure, just hand it to one of the media staff
Food & Drink
- Food and drink, including water bottles, are not allowed in the main area of the Media Center
- Please place all food & drink (lunch boxes too) on the cart by the entrance
- After special events, please clear your space and use the recycling bins or trash cans
- Tornado: out the back door and crouch along the wall by the 6th grade hallway
- Fire: out the main doors to the parking lot at the front of the building
- Evacuation: out the main doors to your grade level's designated location
- Lockdown/Blackout: follow the directions of the adult(s) in the Media Center
- IN EVERY CASE, stay quiet and listen for directions from HiRMS staff
Last Modified on September 6, 2022