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PBISOur school is PBIS aligned. PBIS is a behavior program that focuses on encouraging students' positive behavior. Our goal is to increase the students' time for learning and recognize the positive behaviors shown by all students. We focus on 3 core values... 1. be respectful 2. be responsible 3. be safe. Students can get a signature on their card when a staff member catches them being respectful, responsible, or safe. Students earn rewards when filling up a card. Our class can also earn paws when a staff member catches the class being respectful, responsible, or safe.If students are not making safe, respectful, or responsible choices, they will receive a think sheet and/or a referral form. A think sheet allows the students to think through their unacceptable behavior, how it affected others, why they chose to act that way, and how they can make a better choice next time. A think sheet is sent home for parents to look over, have a discussion with their child at home about the behavior, sign, and return the copy to the teacher.What are referral forms?Minors: Student is written up for small classroom handled issue. Teachers will contact parents, come up with a classroom consequence, and send a form home for parents to sign and return.Majors: Student is written up for the office to handle the issue. Parents will be contacted by administration. Forms will be sent home that day for parents to sign and return.