
    Virtual Open House Information

    • Open House is Thursday, August 13th from 5:00 – 7:00 pm. It will be 100% virtual.
    • Parents are encouraged to “drop-in” to meet their child’s teacher(s) during the window. 
    • The intent of the Parent Meetings is similar to a traditional Open House which is to meet the teachers. Specific questions regarding your student should be emailed directly to the teachers.
    • We have found that using your child’s Chromebook makes it a little easier to access the Microsoft Teams virtual meetings, so consider that if you have one. You will be able to access the meetings on other devices but the Chromebook makes it easier. I have included information below for parents to assist with joining the teachers’ virtual parent meetings should you have difficulty. See the information entitled “External Participants (guests) Joining MS Teams Meeting.” Links to join each meeting will be on the Open House page.
    • Look for more information regarding our Open House and the start of school on our Open House webpage coming soon.

    External Participants (guests) Joining MS Teams Meeting or Teams Live Event

    1. In the meeting invitation or the website/document link, the person will click the Join MS Teams Meeting link.
    2. In the browser window, select Join on the web instead
    3. You will be asked for your name and placed in the lobby until the meeting organizer lets you into the meeting, unless the meeting organizer has selected the bypass lobby option for guests.