

    • We love to celebrate our fourth grade friends! If you would like to send in a special treat, it must be individually wrapped. We will share these special treats during our scheduled lunch time. Please let me know in advance if you decide to bring in a special treat. We have 27 students in our class.


Lunch and Breakfast

  • Students have the choice of packing their own lunch or eating the school lunch. Breakfast and lunch are no longer free. You can add money to their account by using their student number. Menus can be found on the CCS website under the School Nutrition tab or by using this link. Menus are subject to change at any time. 

    Every Wednesday, we will each lunch in the cafeteria. You are welcome to join your child for lunch on our cafeteria day. We will be eating lunch in the classroom all other days of the week.


    If needed, you can apply for free or reduced lunch here.