
    2018-2019 Drama Club Info
    Welcome to the PSRES Drama Club page! We are already up and running for another exciting season! For those of you wondering, this years production will be...
    101 Dalmations, Kids
    **DUE TO THE SNOW DAYS, 4th Grade will have callbacks on THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13th after school until 4:30pm.**
    5th Grade will have callbacks THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13th after school until 4:30pm. 
    A list was posted and went out to teachers as to who is on the callback list. You do NOT need to prepare a monologue or song, but you do need to be prepared to read lines and learn a new song from the show. Please see Mrs. Fisher if you have any additional questions (jennifer.fisher@cabarrus.k12.nc.us). 
    If selected to be in the Drama Club, we will meet in Mrs. Fisher's room every THURSDAY after school until 4:30PM. Please make sure you have a ride home on time. If you are late more than 2 times, you will be asked to step down from the club. Time is precious and it is very important to ensure an on-time pick up.  


     PERFORMANCE DATES: May 17 & 18, 2019 

Click to View Volunteer Opportunities on SignUp.com
Last Modified on December 12, 2018