Phone: (704)260-6490 (ext. 1808)


Degrees and Certifications:

B.S.Ed. - Health/Physical Education/Middle Grades Science-Columbus State University, 1991 M.Ed. - Middle Grades Science-University of Georgia, 2002 National Board Certification

Mrs. Sheree Stewart - 8th Grade Science/Earth and Environmental Science

Welcome to my web page.  I teach 8th Grade Science and Earth/Environmental Science. I am married (31 years) and have 120 8th grade children:). I enjoy cycling, yardwork, traveling, DIY home projects, University of Alabama football, singing, ice cream, peanut M&M's, and researching cool science stuff! I grew up in Phenix City, Alabama and began teaching middle school in 1991. I taught in Georgia for 13 years before moving to North Carolina in 2004.  This will be my 18th year teaching in North Carolina, and my 8th year as a Hickory Ridge Middle Maverick. My goal is to inspire my students to be curious about the world around them, to ask questions, and to develop the same love of science that I have!


Welcome to Mrs. Stewart's Web Page!


    You may contact me at or 704-260-6490  ext. 36808.
    Scroll down the page for lots of important information!!!
    *Parents...Thank you so much for the generous donations of supplies.  We greatly appreciate it!
    **Student Absences/Attendance:
    Parents...if you know your child is going to be absent, click on the following link to get the absence processed and excused.


    *2022-2023 Report Cards and Progress Reports

    Paperless Report Cards & Progress Reports are now here!

     - Parent Portal provides all the information of a report card and progress report and more.

     - Parents have 24/7 access

     - Teachers update weekly

     - Parents can see assignments, grades and attendance

      - Progress Report information is available daily on parent portal.

     - Quarter and yearly averages are available in Parent Portal at each “report card” period:

        1st Qtr progress report - Sept. 28, 2022, report card - Nov. 9

    2nd Qtr progress report - Dec. 7, report card - Feb 8, 2023

    3rd Qtr Progress report - Feb. 22, report card - Apr. 5

    4th Qtr progress report - May 3 , report card - June 21


     -Parent Portal Training will be provided at Curriculum Night on a date TBA.


    ***2022-2023 Class Remind Codes can be found on the Remind Text Messaging Page.

    *What will 8th graders be learning this year?
    This year, all 8th graders will be studying:
    Unit 1 - Matter: Properties and Change (physical and chemical properties of matter/physical and chemical change; patterns on the periodic table of the elements; elements, compounds, and mixtures, chemical reactions)
    Unit 2 - Energy Conservation and Transfer (alternative energy resources/benefits and disadvantages)
    Unit 3 - Earth's History (geologic time/relative and absolute age of rocks and fossils); Unit 4 - Geological and Biological Evolution/Genetics (changes in organisms and landforms)
    Unit 5 - Structures and Functions of Living Organisms (microbes and disease; molecular biology - critical cell processes/molecules needed for a healthy life; and biotechnology)
    Unit 6 - Ecosystems (interactions between living and nonliving factors in an area) Unit 7 - Earth Systems: Structure and Processes (nitrogen cycle, carbon-oxygen cycle, water cycle, hydrosphere (all of earth's water, stewardship of the environment and resources)
    In addition, students in the Earth/Environmental Class will be studying:
    *Earth in the Universe (Earth's role as a body in space)
    *Earth Systems, Structures, and Processes (focusing on the effects of natural forces and human influences on the lithosphere-solid Earth, hydrosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere-living things, and their effects on us)
     Homework HOMEWORK???  Daily lessons, which include in-class activities and homework, are located in your Science Canvas course weekly modules.  



Textbook Information


    You may access the student edition of the textbook from page 3 of my "Class Documents" page or in your Science Canvas course. Click on "8th grade textbook." Be patient.  It'll take a few minutes. By clicking on the "+", you can go to specific units, chapters and sections in the textbook. This is a PDF file, so you will have to scroll through the pages once you get to a particular section.

Class Activities and Homework

  • My daily lessons are located in your Science Canvas course modules.

  • All Categories
  • Unassigned
  • Select Month
  • January
  • February
  • March
  • April
  • May
  • June
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  • November
  • December
  • Select Year
  • 2022
  • 2023
  • 2024
  • 2025

Current Assignments

There are no current assignments.

Past Due Assignments

Last Modified on August 17, 2022