• Greek Mythology Research Report




    You must use 2 or more resources (websites or books) to gather information for your project. The following websites are approved, but you can also use Epic or the media center at school to find books about your subject. If you use one of the sites below, you will need to click on the appropriate links to find more information about your topic. You will need to write down information about each resource that you use on the bibliography forms provided. 


    Approved Websites:

    Project Overview:

    Report: The final product will be a 5 paragraph (each paragraph must contain 5-7 sentences) informational research paper on the Greek god/goddess of your choice. It will need to contain the following:


    1. Introduction: Greek name of god/goddess, the title of the god/goddess, a list of any important powers they have, a brief description of where the god/goddess can usually be found (where does the god/goddess spend most of their time in the myths).
    2. Family/Relatives: parents, siblings, and children; what gods or goddesses did they marry or love (the gooey soap opera part 😃). Monsters- this might be harder for you, but many of your monsters came from someone or were made by someone. 
    3. History: The story of development of the god from birth to adult life.
    4. Physical appearance and symbols: description of what the god/goddess looked like and any weapons/objects/animals/other symbols associated with the god/goddess.
    5. Celebration: Are/were there any festivals to celebrate the god/goddess? Is the god/goddess a patron god/goddess of any city or area?
    6. Summary of one important myth involving the god/goddess: A retelling of the major events in one myth, with a focus on the most important characteristics and powers of the god/goddess.
    7. Conclusion: Other fun/interesting facts or identifying characteristics of the subject; summary of the findings; leave the reader with something to remember about your god/goddess.


    Cover Page: You will create a cover page that includes:

    • Greek name of god/goddess
    • Hand drawn or printed image of the person (must be in color); I can help with printing
    • Your name (as the author)

    Bibliography: The report will include a bibliography citing all the resources used to gather information for the paper. Students must use at least 2 different sources. For the bibliography, the only requirement is for students to use the attached sheet to fill out resources. We will go over this in class.