Phone: 704.260.6430 ext. 76447


Degrees and Certifications:

BME University of Louisville

Mr. Douglas "Mac" Abercrombie

Mr. Abercrombie has been teaching at Concord Middle School since August 2000. Mr. Abercrombie received his Bachelor of Music Education degree from the University of Louisville in Louisville, KY in May 2000 and is a proud Cardinal. Mr. Abercrombie is a member of the 208th Army Band based out of Concord, NC performing on the trombone and serves as the Music Library Non-Commissioned Officer In Charge (NCOIC), UPL NCOIC, Brass Quintet NCOIC, and as the Supply NCOIC. Mr. Abercrombie attended and graduated from Basic Combat Training in May 2010, Advanced Individual Training in June 2010, Warrior Leaders Course in June 2011, and Advanced Leaders Course in September 2020. Mr. Abercrombie is married and has two boys, four guinea pigs, two hamsters, and one dog.

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Last Modified on March 25, 2021