
    Cheers/Chants from 11/29:

    Call: Take it to the Hoop, Hoop

    Go Big Blue Machine Come on Mount Do Your Thing

    Dribble,Dribble  Shoot, Shoot

    Take it to tha Hoop, Hoop

    Call: And let's go xx and let's go 

    Come on all you Tigers

    Come on all you Tigers

    Clap Your hands

    Stomp Your Feet

    Get that Tiger Beat

    Get that Tiger Beat and let's go, and let's go

    Come on all you Tigers

    Call: SS XX S X

    SS XX S X

    We are Tigers, we are the elite

    We are the team that can't be beat

    We came to play there is no doubt

    We can do it all baby just like that

    SS XX S X  Blue!

    SS XX S X Gold!

    SS XX S X Go!

    SS XX S X Mount!

    Call: Who? MPMS

    Jam with us 

    Hey, hey you've got to got to got to  jam with us

    Who? MPMS


    Chants from 10/20/22:

    Call: Go Big Blue and White

    Mt. Pleasant Tigers it's time to fight

    Go big blue and white

    (Big blue! on the last verse)

    Call: Hustle, Huustle Tigers Hustle

    H-U-S, T-L-E

    Hustle, Huuustle, Tigers, hustle

    Call: Gooooo, Tigers, Go   

     GOOOOO Tigers Go XXX   

    Call: M,P,MS!

    Who rocks this G-y-m, who rocks this g-y-m, who rocks this g-y-m, M-P-M-S   

    Call: Pump It, Pump It, Pump It Up

    MP-MS got to pump it, pump it, pump it up

    Call: Beat those__________

    B-E-A-T, beat those__________   

    Call: 4 more, more, more

    One, we are the Tigers. Two, a little bit louder. Three, I still can't hear you. Four, more,more,more, one 

    Call: But it won't, but it won't go in

    Rebound, rebound, let it roll around that rim but it won't, but it won't, go in

    Call: Come on get that jump ball, leap Tigers, leap

    Come on get that jump ball, leap Tigers, leap

    Call: Make that free throw

    Go______ go _______go, make that free throw

     Chants learned on 10/24/22:

    Call:  Come on Tiger, let's rock

    We don't need no money, all we gotta do is jam, rock, drop it like its hot.  Come on Tigers, lets's rock

    Call: L-E-T-S-G-O, Let's Go

    L-E-T-S-G-O, let's go Tigers. L-E-T-S-G-O, let's go

    Call: Be Agressive

    Be aggressive, B-E aggressive


    Call: G-O, G-O, let's go

    G-O, G-O go

    G-O, G-O, let's go

    Call: And We're tuff, tuff, tuff

    Our defense is dazzling, Our offense, hot stuff

    We're the mighty Tigers nad we're tuff, tuff, tuff

    Call: Hustle Tigers Hustle

    Hus-tle, hustle, Tigers, hustle

    Call: Move Something

    Tigers got the beat to make you you stomp- your- feet. Tigers got the beat to make you --move something.

    Call: Come on Big Blue get tuff

    Hey you, you, you, you, come on Big Blue get tuff

    Call: Hey Two, Two

    T-W-O hey! two, two

    Call: Take that ball away

    T-A-K-E take that ball away XXX T-A-K-E, take it to tha hoop

    Call: That's the way we like it

    Dribble it xx swipe it xx

    Dribble it, swipe it, that's we way we like it

    Call: Get that ball and run like fire

    Jump, jump higher higher. Get that ball and run like fire

    Call: This Tiger team don't mess around

    Put your hands up and wave 'em around, this Tiger team don't mess around

    Call: Defense (or Offense)

    D-E-F-E-N-S-E (clap snap ) defense

    Chants learned on 10/25:

    Call: And you can't stop us

    The house, the house , the blue and gold house

    The house, the house, the blue and gold house

    Rain can't stop us, lightning can't stop us, thunder can't stop us, and you can't stop us

    Call: Tiger Beat

    Clap your hands, stomp your feet

    Jam to that Tiger Beat, hit it! 

    That mighty, mighty team.  Stand up and scream. Mt. Pleasant. Tigers!

    Call: We want a basket!

    Dribble it, pass it. Dribble it, pass it, we want a basket

    Call: Ahhh, get it, get it

    Jump ball, get it, get it

    You've got to jump and get it

    Jump ball get it, get it, ahhhh, get it get it

    Call: Put that ball in the hoop, hoop

    Dribble, dribble, shoot, shoot. Put that ball in the hoop, hoop

    Call: Make that shot

    The hoop is open the net is hot. Make that shot.

    Cheers Learned 11/2:

    Call: Show You're Proud to be a Tiger  Clap your hands xx get loud xx show you're proud to be a Tiger

    Call: 1(x)x2(x)x  Fans over here over here, Get up get up let's hear your cheer

                              Yell blue, gold, bluuueee, gold

                             Fans over here over here, Get up get up let's here you cheer

                             Yell go, Tigers, gooooo, Tigers

                             Blue, gold, goooooo, Tigers

    Call: No we just can't be beat  Get on up xx Get out of your seat. Cause we're the mighty Tigers and we just can't be beat, no we just can't be beat.

    Call: And Jam to that Tiger beat G-E-T-U-P, get up off your seat, G-E-T-U-P and jam to that Tiger beat (x2)

                                                       (last verse) and jam to that Tiger beat, jam to that Tiger beat xx JAM



Last Modified on February 1, 2023