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DID YOU KNOW that you can't just use any ol' image you find on the internet? Try one of these sites for finding great images that the creators have approved for anyone to use. If it says it may require citation, then carefully read the page where you found the image to know how to meet citation requirements.
- Unsplash
- Pixabay
- Pexels
- FreeImages
- Picryl (especially historical images)
- Pics4Learning
- Wikimedia Commons (may require citation)
- Creative Commons (may require citation)
- Google image search (NOT always free & legal!) - click Images, then Tools, then Usage Rights
Images should be cited - which is, minimum, linked with a shout-out to the photographer and/or source page - unless you have received permission or it's covered under public domain, some Creative Commons licenses (if it says CC0 or No Attribution, you don't have to cite it), or educational fair use (here's a BrainPop to help). This can get tricky, so ask us if you're still unsure what to do!
Last Modified on October 31, 2022