

Degrees and Certifications:

Denise DuVall

Hello CMS Family and Welcome to Sixth Grade!

Please look to the left and click on Daily Schedule for Canvas Access and other information.

My name is Denise Gimenez-DuVall. I am the daughter of Venezuelan immigrants born in Miami, Florida. I went to school at UNCC. There I got my undergraduate degree in English and my graduate degree in Secondary Education. I taught Pre-k for 14 years. I then went on to teach ELA in a charter school in Atlanta for three years. I tutored privately for the following two years scaffolding students' literacy development. 

I have a lovely family of four. My daughter’s are Annie and Lula. They are six and four. My husband Joshua is super tech savvy and is always willing to help. We are a multi-generational home. My mother is living with us and helping us care for our littles. Shout out to Abuela Nancy! 

I love to read novels, write short stories, and play Dungeons and Dragons. 

I am fluent in Spanish. Please, feel free to reach out to me via email or phone. I am always available to help in any way that I can. My contacts and a link to my canvas page are below:
