Today's Message

  • Parents and students,
    Welcome to Mr. Kozloff's Webpage! 
    Once again, all grades can be found in PowerSchool. PowerSchool is the grading system used by Cabarrus County. Canvas is a learning management tool used for daily lessons, and NOT for all grades to be posted. Please check PowerSchool for all graded assignments, as not all assignments are embedded in Canvas. 
    Students are REQUIRED to learn 10 topics in ALEKS every week, or 45 minutes in I-Ready and two complete lessons, unless otherwise noted. This is graded, each topic worth 10 points. Ask your student and they will explain.
    Additional links are given on the tab marked "Useful Links" in addition to may videos I created last year under the videos tab. Also try Khan Academy, Sal Khan is awesome at explaining math concepts. This link is located in Useful Links.
    Scott Kozloff 
    ph: 704-260-6490
    Mavericks take C.A.R.E. of Mavericks!!

Mr. Scott Kozloff

Phone: 704-770-5305


Degrees and Certifications:

Elementary Education Degree UNCC Business- U. of Wisconsin/Madison

Mr. Scott Kozloff

Welcome to Mr. Kozloff's Class of 2021-2022

I am very excited to have your students in my math class this year. I am a happily married man to my wife Charlene, 28 years this September; we have three "perfect" children (ha-ha) named Elle (27, graduate of UNCC Art/Education, mother of our first grandchild Cora, 5 months), Simon (24, University of NC Charlotte), and Alex (18, senior at Cox Mill HS), and Lenelle, our 30 lb. Basenji. All three children are/were avid soccer fans and club/college players. We have lived in Concord for nineteen years and love Cabarrus County.
I believe that every child is a unique individual who needs a secure, caring, and stimulating environment in which to grow and mature emotionally, physically, and socially. It is my desire as an educator to help students meet their fullest potential in these areas by providing a classroom/virtual learning center that is safe, supports risk-taking, and invites sharing of ideas.  
Please feel free to contact me with anything you may need and I look forward to working with your family and your student this year.
Mr. Kozloff 
School- 704-260-6490
Cell-      704-770-5305 (please do not hesitate to utilize, just let me know who you are in the message)
Last Modified on June 29, 2022