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Fine Arts Music Percussion - Intermediate 52172X0A Students are exposed to and offered opportunities to perform on various percussion instruments. Instruction on correct playing methods, history and music theory is included. This course involves preparation for concerts with the concert bands. Students also perform literature specific to the percussion genre as an ensemble or solo work. This course has performance and after school rehearsal requirements. Students choosing the Proficient or Advanced levels have additional requirements for a weighted grade. CREDIT: 1 TYPE: Regular GRADE: 9-12 PREREQUISITE: Audition or teacher recommendation Symphonic Band/Wind Ensemble -Intermediate 52172X0B The Symphonic Band/Wind Ensemble is an advanced instrumental ensemble. Significant concert band literature is studied and performed. Individual musical ability is constantly evaluated. This course has performance and after school rehearsal requirements. CREDIT: 1 TYPE: Regular GRADE: 9-12 PREREQUISITE: Audition & successful completion of another intermediate level class or teacher recommendation Symphonic Band/Wind Ensemble -Proficient 52185X0B The Symphonic Band/Wind Ensemble is an advanced instrumental ensemble. Significant concert band literature is studied and performed. Individual musical ability is constantly evaluated. This course has performance and after school rehearsal requirements. Students choosing the Proficient level have additional requirements for a weighted grade.
1 Quality PointCREDIT: 1 TYPE: Honors GRADE: 9-12 PREREQUISITE: Audition & successful completion of the intermediate level class or teacher recommendation Music Appreciation 52202X0 Credit: One Elective
This course is for students who have an interest in music but do not wish to participate in performance groups such as band and chorus. Emphasis is placed on music history in relation to styles, composers and instrumentation. A wide range of musical elements is explored from the development of simple instruments and early musical rhythms to music technology of the 21st century. Students have the opportunity to engage in a wide range of topics in relation to all forms of music.CREDIT: 1 TYPE: Regular GRADE: 9-12 Mixed Chorus Beginning: Fall 52302X0 This chorus is a beginning level class that emphasizes the development of basic vocal technique and music reading skills. Performance as a choral group is essential to this class and represents a large portion of the final grade. CREDIT: 1 TYPE: Regular GRADE: 9-12 Mixed Chorus Beginning: Spring 52302X0E This chorus is a beginning level class that emphasizes the development of basic vocal technique and music reading skills. Performance as a choral group is essential to this class and represents a large portion of the final grade. CREDIT: 1 TYPE: Regular GRADE: 9-12 Concert Band - Intermediate 52562X0A In this course, students learn musical works of various composers, instrumental technique and proficiency on their instrument, musical terms and music theory. This course has limited after-school and evening performance requirements. Performance as a band is essential to this class and represents a large portion of the final grade. CREDIT: 1 TYPE: Regular GRADE: 9-12 PREREQUISITE: Audition or teacher recommendation Concert Band - Proficient 52575X0 In this course, students learn musical works of various composers, instrumental technique and proficiency on their instrument, musical terms and music theory. This course has limited after-school and evening performance requirements. Performance as a band is essential to this class and represents a large portion of the final grade. Students choosing the Proficient level have additional requirements for a weighted grade.
1 Quality PointCREDIT: 1 TYPE: Honors GRADE: 9-12 PREREQUISITE: Audition and completion of the intermediate level course or teacher recommendation Mixed Chorus Intermediate: Fall 52312X0CA This course is an auditioned group that further develops vocal technique, music reading skills, and performance. Performance as a choral group is essential to this class and represents a large portion of the final grade. CREDIT: 1 TYPE: Regular GRADE: 10-12 PREREQUISITE: Audition & successful completion of a beginning level class or teacher recommendation Mixed Chorus Intermediate: Spring 52312X0D This intermediate chorus is an auditioned group that further develops vocal technique, music reading skills, and performance, both individually and as an ensemble. Performance as a choral group is essential to this class and represents a large portion of the final grade. CREDIT: 1 TYPE: Regular GRADE: 10-12 PREREQUISITE: Audition & successful completion of a beginning level class or teacher recommendation Theatre Musical Theatre - Intermediate 52162X0A The Musical Theatre course explores the development of this theatrical genre. Students understand the musical both in theory and in practice through voice, choreography, and character development. Students learn the craft of telling a story and expressing both characterization and emotion through song. CREDIT: 1 TYPE: Regular GRADE: 9-12 PREREQUISITE: Fundamentals and Foundations in Theatre- Beginning, or Teacher Approval Fundamentals and Foundations in Theatre- Beginning 53152X0 This course focuses on learning the essential vocabulary, establishing performance skills, as well as exploring basics of technical theatre and theatre history. CREDIT: 1 TYPE: Regular GRADE: 9-12 Theatre Application Intermediate 53162X0 Building on concepts learned in Fundamentals and Foundations in Theatre (Beginning), This course is a more detailed study of theatre literature, acting techniques, and technical theatre. This course begins the application of theatrical concepts through informal and/or formal productions. CREDIT: 1 TYPE: Regular GRADE: 10-12 PREREQUISITE: 53152X0 - Fundamentals and Foundations in Theatre- Beginning Theatre Application Proficient 53175X0 This course continues to develop knowledge and skills within theatre arts on a more challenging level. Theatre study at this level places a greater emphasis on the production of theatre including script analysis, study of accomplished professionals in the field, creation of original work, script selection, independent performance analysis, & artistic defense.
1 Quality PointCREDIT: 1 TYPE: Honors GRADE: 10-12 PREREQUISITE: Theatre Application- Intermediate, achieving a minimum B or above. Theatre Application Advanced 53185X0 This course includes involvement in formal and/or informal productions through analysis of theatre processes, self-motivation, personal discipline and more demanding projects in directing, technical theatre, acting, and/or writing.
1 Quality PointCREDIT: 1 TYPE: Honors GRADE: 10-12 PREREQUISITE: Theatre Application- Proficient, achieving a minimum B or above. Technical Theatre- Intermediate 53622X0 This course teaches students theatre criticism and researching theatre history, literature, and/or theory through practical production, including design, scenery, lighting, sound, costuming, properties management, and stage management. CREDIT: 1 TYPE: Regular GRADE: 10-12 PREREQUISITE: Fundamentals and Foundations in Theatre- Beginning, achieving a minimum B or above. Visual Art Visual Arts Beginning 54152X01 This course is the basic beginning course to art fundamentals, based on the Elements of Art, and includes art appreciation and art application. It is an activity oriented course that includes the fundamental of drawing, painting, and color theory. Consideration is given to the exploration of media in both two dimensional and three dimensional works. CREDIT: 1 TYPE: Regular GRADE: 9-12 Visual Arts Intermediate 54162X0 This course is the intermediate course, following VA Beginning. This course continues to develop skills with the previous knowledge of the workings of the Elements of Art, and an additional focus on the Principles of Design. Stress is placed on the artistic process and quality of the art produced. CREDIT: 1 TYPE: Regular GRADE: 10-12 PREREQUISITE: B in Beginning Visual Art Visual Arts Proficient 54175X0 This course is a proficient level course that builds on the skills from VA Intermediate with a more in-depth approach to the study of art processes and techniques, aesthetic issues, art criticism and art history. Students form artistic goals, become familiar with careers and develop work habits of professionals. Knowledge of the arts in relation to culture, history, other disciplines and careers will be promoted through visual, verbal, and written means.
1 Quality PointCREDIT: 1 TYPE: Honors GRADE: 10-12 PREREQUISITE: B in Intermediate Visual Art Visual Arts Advanced 54185X0 This course is an advanced level course. Students develop, clarify, and apply their philosophy of art and art making developed in VA Proficient through in-depth, independent, and advanced explorations with media, techniques, processes, and aesthetics. Exceptional initiative, serious involvement, and commitment are expectations of the VA Advanced students, as well as communication through visual, verbal, and written means.
1 Quality PointCREDIT: 1 TYPE: Honors GRADE: 10-12 PREREQUISITE: B in Visual Art- Proficient Ceramics Beginning 54612X0 The class involves hand building techniques with clay. Students are involved with glazing and firing of the clay objects. Texture, proportions, color, and form are re-introduced to enhance the clay projects. CREDIT: 1 TYPE: Regular GRADE: 10-12 PREREQUISITE: 54152X01 - Visual Arts Beginning Fiber Design - Beginning 54612X0FD Students will use the language of Fiber Design to communicate effectively and apply creative and critical thinking skills to artistic expression through Fiber arts. They will create art through the use of a variety of tools, fiber media and processes safely and appropriately. Students will understand the global, historical, societal and cultural contexts of Fiber Design and understand the interdisciplinary connections and life applications of Fiber Design. Students will use critical analysis to generate responses to a variety of prompts. CREDIT: 1 TYPE: Regular GRADE: 10-12 PREREQUISITE: 54152X01 - Visual Arts Beginning Ceramics Intermediate 54622X0 This class builds on basic hand building skills learned in Ceramics I and introduces throwing on the potter’s wheel. Emphasis is on form, texture, and creativity. CREDIT: 1 TYPE: Regular GRADE: 10-12 PREREQUISITE: 54612X0 - Ceramics Beginning Painting Intermediate 54622X0D This course takes the initial skills of color theory and beginning painting techniques learned in Beginning Visual Art and further explores various media, including tempera, water-color, gouache, and acrylic. Students investigate different styles of painting and continue to the develop their use of the Elements of Art and Principles of Design. CREDIT: 1 TYPE: Regular GRADE: 10-12 PREREQUISITE: B in Beginning Visual Art Ceramics Proficient 54635X0 This course continues an in-depth study working with clay. This class focuses on refinement of wheel throwing skills and sculpture techniques. Creativity and quality in media are stressed.
1 Quality PointCREDIT: 1 TYPE: Honors GRADE: 10-12 PREREQUISITE: 54622X0 - Ceramics Intermediate Studio Art AP 54527X0 AP Studio Art is a college level art course where students move beyond creative technical skills, to developing strategies for evaluating and critiquing artwork. Each student creates a portfolio of their own artwork following the College Board guidelines. This course requires significantly more commitment and accomplishment than the typical high school course. Outside work is required.
2 Quality PointsCREDIT: 1 TYPE: Advanced Placement GRADE: 11-12 PREREQUISITE: B in Visual Arts- Advanced
Last Modified on March 31, 2014