Minnich, Joshua--Social Studies

Degrees and Certifications:
Mr. Minnich
Welcome! I am looking forward to another great year at Northwest!
I was born just outside of Philadelphia, PA and lived there until college. I attended Temple University, located in Philadelphia, where I majored in Secondary Education and History. Some of my interests include Penn State Football and Wrestling, as well as, the 2018 Super Bowl Champion Philadelphia Eagles. Go Birds! I am also the head wrestling coach for the school.
I am excited to work with both you and your student throughout the duration of the semester. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to contact me at joshua.minnich@cabarrus.k12.nc.us
Remind.com sign-up instructions can be found under the "Documents" section for your class. Canvas will be used to house the course syllabus, class notes and some assignments.
All students will need the follwing items everyday for class: Lined paper, a 3 ring binder (or class specific folder), and pen/pencil.
Head Wrestling Coach
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Page last updated: 1/19/23
Spring Schedule
1st Period: Holocaust & Genocide
2nd Period: World History
3rd Period: Planning
4th Period: AP World History