    The Cost of Dropping Out of High School

    Today, more than ever, youth who do not complete their high school education put their future at risk. They face a life-long struggle to make a sufficient wage, and enormous obstacles to achieving success in life.

    Why should I stay in school?
    Because .....


    Dropouts are more likely to be unemployed. 48% of high school dropouts were unemployed in 2010. Of those who do find work, the average annual salary is approximately $13,400, less than half the yearly wage of a person with an Associate Degree.
    . .


    Dropouts are more likely to live near or below the poverty level. 58% are likely to rely on public assistance.
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    Recent dropouts will earn $200,000 less than high school graduates, and over $800,000 less than college graduates, in their lives.
    . .
    Dropouts make up over half the prison population.  75% of America's state prison inmates are high school dropouts.  58% of America's federal prison inmates are high school dropouts.
     Dropout Prevention is a combined effort of parents, teachers, counselors, administrators, school social workers, school nurses, and community members/agencies.

    Kelly Mavropoulos is the NCHS Graduation Coach who coordinates individual and school-wide efforts to help students be successful and stay in school.  


        Contact Information

      Kelly Mavropoulos

      Phone:  704-260-6720 ext: 76734


    Attend Today, Achieve Tomorrow.


     Attendance is the number one predictor in identifying students who are potential high school dropouts.  Studies have shown that chronically absent students are 7.4 times more likely to drop out.  Please make sure that your student has regular attendance.   




        Top 10 Reasons Students Dropout of School
    1. Poor Attendance

    2. Lack of Parental Support

    3. Lack of Motivation

    4. Classes Not Interesting

    5. Discipline Problems

    6. Family Issues (Job, Parenthood etc.)

    7. Low Academic Achievement

    8. Grade Retention

    9. No Extracurricular Participation

    10. Hanging out with the "wrong crowd"



        Dropout Prevention Strategies


    • YES Center (Computer based credit recovery)

    • CTE Classes (Career Technical Education)

    • PLC (Performance Learning Center

    • Home School

    • Penn Foster (online high school)

    • NC Virtual Public School (online classes)

    • Tarheel Challenge

    • Mentor Program 


    What to Do if You Need Help
    Communication is the key to success in high school.  If you have any concerns about your child's progress (or lack of) contact his/her teachers for more information.  I also suggest checking your child's grades and attendance DAILY using the PowerSchool Parent Portal (click link below).  If your child refuses to come to school, or threatens to dropout, contact Kelly Mavropoulos for more assistance.
    PowerSchool Parent Portal
        Additional Resources


Last Modified on March 14, 2019