Social Studies
Class Assignments
Federal Resources for Educational Excellence
Colonial Web-Information about colonial America from Michigan State University.
Historical Almanack-Colonial Williamsburg Foundation.
Jesuit Plantation Project-Georgetown University, American Studies Department.
Rare Map Collection-University of Georgia, Colonial America.
U.S. History: Early America-An Annotated Directory of Internet Resources from Academic Info.
The Cato Institute-Libertarian public policy analysis.
Global Issues-Global issues (social, political, economic, environmental)that affect all of us.
University of Michigan: Explore government Documents-Political Science resources, Think Tanks.
Internet Public Library (IPL)-Online Newspapers listed by country.
The Independent (UK) –
The Economist –
60 Minutes – Credit Default Swaps “Financial Weapons of Mass Destruction” (2008)
60 Minutes – Wall Street’s Shadow Market (2008)
Frontline PBS – Money, Power and Wall Street
Cato Institute-Libertarian public policy analysis. See Trade Policy Studies page.
Center for Applied Policy Research-See Power and Ethics page.
Ethics Update-Research ethics philosophy and applications to social issues.
Political and Security Affairs: Sanctions-US Government, United States Mission to the United Nations.
CIA World Factbook-The World Factbook is prepared by the Central Intelligence Agency for the use of US Government officials, and the style, format, coverage, and content are designed to meet their specific requirements.
Country Studies Area Handbook-Prepared by the Federal Research Division of the Library of Congress under the Country Studies/Area Handbook Program sponsored by the Department of the Army. This online series presently contains studies of 85 countries.
lonely Planet-Travel Information Site.
U.S. Department of State: Background Notes-US State Department’s “Background Notes” provide information on geographic entities and international organizations and are updated periodically.
Latin/Central America
Latin World-A directory of Internet resources on Latin America and the Caribbean.
Organization of American States (OAS)
Central Europe 1860-Time period map. University of Texas at Austin Libraries.
Central Europe 1871-Time period map. University of Texas at Austin Libraries.
Dismemberment of the Ottoman Empire since 1683-(387K) [p.164] Historical Atlas by William R. Shepherd, 1923. Insets: Southwestern Crimea, 1854. Plan of Sevastopol, 1854-1855.University of Texas at Austin Libraries.
Europe 1815-(294K) From The Public Schools Historical Atlas edited by C. Colbeck, published by Longmans, Green, and Co. 1905.
Growth of European and Japanese Dominions in Asia Since 1801-(839K) Historical Atlas by William R. Shepherd, 1923.p.170, 171] Inset: Vicinity of Peking. University of Texas at Austin Libraries.
Historical Maps of the Balkans-The Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection. The University of Texas at Austin.
New York State
Digital Librarian-Links to various sites on NYS.
New York State Government Information Locator Service
News & Public Affairs of Congressional Members.
Public Agenda Online-The inside Source for Public Opinion and Policy Analysis.
Federal Information Center-Established in 1966, the FIC is a single point of contact for people who have questions about Federal agencies, programs, and services.
FedWorld-A program of the United States Department of Congress, National Technical Information Service (NTIS). Includes pointers to government information as well as full-text databases.
Head Count-a non-profit organization founded in 2004 by some of the biggest names in the music industry who are interested in energizing the most influential potential voters in America… YOUNG PEOPLE!! Marc Brownstein of The Disco Biscuits, Andy Bernstein – Phish fan extraordinaire, and Bob Weir of the Grateful Dead are a few of the original backers of this grassroots website that can help you register to vote and investigate all of the major issues facing our nation today. Participate in democracy by checking it out!
Thomas-Library of Congress site on U.S. Congress, Congressional Actions, Bills, etc.
FedStats-Reports statistics from more than 70 agencies of the U.S. government.
America’s Story from America’s Library
HyperHistory Online-Highlights of 3,000 years of history in colorful interactive timeline form.
U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum
Philadelphia Orchestra Performs Music Composed at Terezin
British History: 1700-1950-The Spartacus Internet Encyclopedia.
Child Labor-British History 1700-1900. The Spartacus Internet Encyclopedia.
Child Labor-The Victorian Web.
Conditions in the Mines-Accounts from the Peel Web.
Education: 1700-1950-British History 1700-1930. The Spartacus Internet Encyclopedia.
Emancipation of Women-British History 1700-1920. The Spartacus Internet Encyclopedia.
Industrial Revolution-Internet Modern History Sourcebook.
The Life of the Industrial Worker 19th-Century England-Material originally publish during the Industrial Revolution which deals with conditions and laws regarding workers.
Peel Web-British History 1830-1850. Information and statistics.
Smoke Break-Living conditions, health and housing in 19th century Britain.
Primary Documents
Engels, Fredrich. The Conditions of the Working Class in England.
Malthus, Thomas. Essay on the Principals of Population.
Marx, Karl & Engels, Fredrich. The Communist Manifesto.
Smith, Adam. Wealth of Nations.
Epistemelinks-Contains over 19,000 links to philosophy resources.
The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Plato-Information about Plato from the Stanford Encyclopedia.
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Coal Mining in the Gilded Age and Progressive Era-Links from Ohio State.
Harriet Robinson: Lowell Mill Girls-Life of a female factory worker in the early textile industry in Lowell, Massachusetts.
The History Place: Child Labor in America (1908-1912)-Photos for Lewis W. Hine.
Inside an American Factory: Films of the Westinghouse Works, 1904-American Memory Project. Library of Congress.
Sweatshops in America-Between a Rock and Hard Place: A history of American Sweatshops, 1820-present. National Museum of American History.
Yahoo Index-Links to religions, spiritual practices and philosophies.
Page Last Updated on May 11, 2021
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