Fairport Central School District

Dear Fairport School Community:

During October, there will be many events for our school community as we move through Autumn.

As previously mentioned, our District will be developing a comprehensive strategic plan. We are looking for community members to participate in a District Advisory Council that focuses on future planning around: Educational Programming, Facilities Planning and Fiscal Sustainability. If you are interested, please complete the following form by Tuesday, October 10: fairport.org/communityplanning.

Next week we celebrate Homecoming. We are looking forward to the community wide pep rally, food trucks, children’s activities, music, a bonfire and fireworks at Fairport High School on Oct. 13 beginning at 5:30 p.m.
The week of Oct. 16-20 is School Safety Week. Throughout the week students will learn and practice emergency safety drills, including shelter in place, hold-in-place, evacuate, lockout, and lockdown. We practice these drills to refine our communication processes, and help our students develop awareness on important safety procedures.
Included in Safety Week is our early dismissal day on Friday, Oct. 20. All schools will dismiss students 10 minutes early. New York State Education Department regulations require all public schools to have one early release day drill once a year.
The last week of October we will be celebrating Red Ribbon Week, Oct 23-27. With its focus on encouraging healthy life choices, Red Ribbon Week heightens everyone’s awareness that we need to work together to eradicate drug and substance abuse.
We will conclude this month with an important event on youth risk behavior. In conjunction with the Fairport-Perinton Chemical Prevention Advisory Council (CPAC), we will host two mandatory informational meetings for parents of children in grades 7-12 on Oct. 26 and parents of children in grades 4-6 on Nov. 2.
As a reminder, tomorrow, Oct. 6, is a half day of school for students, as our staff will be engaging in professional development in the afternoon. I hope you enjoy the long weekend with your family and friends with the holiday on Monday, Oct. 9.


Brett Provenzano
Superintendent of Schools