Chamber names FHS School Career Exploration Program its Business of the Month for October

FHC Chamber Business Of The Month

The Fairport-Perinton Chamber has named Fairport High School Career Exploration Center its Business of the Month for October 2019! Sandy Hoodak, coordinator of the work-based learning program, will receive this honor at the Chamber’s quarterly luncheon in October.

The work-based learning programs allow students to gain workplace skills (internships),


Fairport’s Board of Education shares statement on welcoming everyone

The Fairport Board of Education released a statement on in July 2019 on the topic of welcoming everyone:

“As the Board of Education, we emphasize our core belief to educate every child and the whole child, without exception to race, culture, creed, citizenship, social-economic status, sexual orientation or identity.


Summer months bring several facilities & site work improvements

The buildings and schools at Fairport Central School District are busy during the summer months. This summer was no exception, as the District spent the past several weeks working through facilities and site work improvements before students return on Sept. 4.

While students attended several summer school offerings and staff participated in numerous professional development and curriculum planning opportunities,


Board of Education discusses facilities planning at special workshop, Aug. 21

The Fairport Board of Education held a special Workshop on Aug. 21 to discuss the timing and scope for a capital project referendum vote for December 2019. Many community members were in attendance to share their experiences and aspirations for the future of the District’s facilities.

The District has been studying its facilities for more than two years with a variety of stakeholders who have shared their experiences and expectations for our school community.


Board of Education August 21 special workshop to discuss potential capital improvement project

A special workshop of the Fairport Board of Education will be held on Wednesday, August 21 starting at 5 p.m. at Johanna Perrin Middle School choir room. The Board will be discussing the scope and timeline of a potential Capital Improvement Project. All members of the community are encouraged to attend to learn more about this important topic of interest for the school community.