Fairport Central School District

The Fairport Board of Education released a statement on in July 2019 on the topic of welcoming everyone:

“As the Board of Education, we emphasize our core belief to educate every child and the whole child, without exception to race, culture, creed, citizenship, social-economic status, sexual orientation or identity. We stand with open arms to welcome all students, families, and staff who come to our community and our schools. Without reservation we will bring to bear all our resources to educate each child who walks through our doors. We invite all to come! We invite all to stay! All who join us will find that because of our diversity, we will have one thing in common – we will all be enriched by it.

As a Board of Education, we recognize the political environment and historic struggles around immigration, but we emphatically and purposefully move above the political discourse and dedicate our focus entirely to the education of every child.”