Fairport Central School District


Fairport High School and WBER 90.5 FM just completed production of a PSA to help the District promote the need for bus driver and bus attendants.

This summer, a WBER intern wrote copy script for Fairport’s need for bus drivers and attendants.  Once the script was finalized and approved, WBER enlisted the help of FHS Sophomore Joe Burmeister to record the PSA at the WBER studios.  The PSA is running on the WBER airwaves throughout the day.

“Joe is excited and looking forward to being part of Raider Radio at FHS with WBER for the 2019-2020 school year,” said WBER Station Manager Joey Guisto. “We are looking forward to more collaborations like this with FHS students.”

To listen to the PSA, visit https://wber.org/playlists/ and click on Raider Radio at the bottom.