Fairport Central School District

October 15: Dr. Kenneth Ginsburg to speak about building resilience in children & teens at Parent/Community Night


The Fairport Central School District would like to invite the community, parents and other caregivers to hear from Dr. Kenneth Ginsburg, a nationally-recognized and award winning author and pediatrician, speak about the importance of developing resilience in children on Tuesday, October 15, 6:30-8:00 p.m. at Fairport High School. Admission is free,


STOP VAPING! Public Service Announcement on E-Cigs

Fairport Central School District strives to ensure the health and safety of its students, and by engaging in the school community is striving to work with parents and guardians on the dangers of e-cigs and vaping. The District’s substance abuse prevention social worker, Liz Russell, is educating adults on these devices in this PSA video created in September 2019. Read more  »

Board confirms scope of capital project

At its September 17 meeting, the Fairport Board of Education confirmed the scope of the Capital Improvement Project for a referendum vote in December 2019. The Board will take action on the project resolution at its October 22 meeting. View the capital project presentation from the September 17 meeting here. Read more  »

Fairport CSD is looking for members to join new Diversity Council

The Fairport Central School District is launching its newly formed Diversity Council in September 2019 and is looking for members to join its focus on prioritizing the District’s Strategic Initiatives and the Whole Child education.

The Council will be a collaboration between the District and parents/community members. It will act as an advisory group to the superintendent on topics related to equity,


Fairport’s Board of Education shares statement on welcoming everyone

The Fairport Board of Education released a statement on in July 2019 on the topic of welcoming everyone:

“As the Board of Education, we emphasize our core belief to educate every child and the whole child, without exception to race, culture, creed, citizenship, social-economic status, sexual orientation or identity.


Summer months bring several facilities & site work improvements

The buildings and schools at Fairport Central School District are busy during the summer months. This summer was no exception, as the District spent the past several weeks working through facilities and site work improvements before students return on Sept. 4.

While students attended several summer school offerings and staff participated in numerous professional development and curriculum planning opportunities,