

Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Anderson

Experience  I have worked in education for approximately 7 years in the area of exceptional children. I enjoy my work and have been involved in elementary, middle and high school. I possess a Master's Degree in Exceptional Children since 1983. I have a variety of outside experience such as business management and pharmaceutical sales and management. In addition, I hold a license in real estate. However, teaching exceptional children is my passion.

Favorite Educational Quote and Why?  "You can become anything in this world, become kind." Treat others as you would like to be treated.

Why I Became An Educator  During my senior year in high school, I was selected to work half a day with exceptional children in a special project funded by Duke University. From that time forward, I have worked with exceptional children. It is my passion.

Favorite Place in Caldwell County  I am new to Caldwell County, so I haven't had a chance to develop my favorite part yet.

Favorite Acitivites  I enjoy reading and writing. I love spending time with my five granddaughters.