Phone: 8287546204


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelors of Science in Human Services from Gardner Webb University

Mrs. Coffey

Experience: My name is Mrs. Coffey and I am very excited to be joining the 7th grade team at Gamewell Middle School this year. This will be my first year teaching. My background is in human services and banking. While I gain many life skills from working outside of education after college, I still had a desire to work with children and teach. I am really excited to get this school year started and on its way. 

Favorite Educational Quote and Why: "I have learned that people will forget what you said and will forget what you did. But they will never forget how you made them feel"-Maya Angelou. As a teacher we have the ability to reach out and be a mentor and a role model for kids who are in our classrooms. We have the greatest job to be able to teach the material while also igniting a love of learning along the way.

Why I Became An Educator: I became a teacher to be able to give back. My passion for learning is contributed to one of my high school science teachers who went out of her way to help me find my path in life. It wasn't until after I had children of my own that I truly understood the need to help shape our future. It is our responsibility to pass our knowledge down to new generations of young adults in hopes that we leave this world in a better place than when we first found it.

Favorite Places in Caldwell County: I have lived in Caldwell County my entire life. I would say my favorite part of Lenoir is Wilson's Creek because I can go hiking and swimming while enjoying being outside in nature.

Activities: I enjoy spending time with my two children and husband. I enjoy cooking, hiking, kayaking and reading.