Phone: (828) 754-6204 EXT 254


Degrees and Certifications:

A.A.S. Web Technologies

Mrs. Helton

I've been a part of Communities In Schools of Caldwell County for 6 years. I started as a Site Coordinator at William Lenoir Middle School, where I taught for 3 years, before being promoted to Program Director and overseeing operations at the four middle schools we serve in the county. I now manage our organizations data, but have also taken on the Site Coordinator position here at Gamewell Middle where I have been stationed for 1 year.
Favorite Educational Quote and Why
“The scariest moment is always just before you start.” - Stephen King

I want my students to not be afraid to take that first step, to fearlessly pursue their goals and dream.
Why I Became An Educator
I'm an educator because I want to help students see in themselves the potential I already see. To be confident in their skills and abilities, and not be afraid to have their voices heard. To be a positive influence in their lives that will encourage them to want to be successful and reach for the stars.
Favorite Place In Caldwell County
The Local Bean is one of my favorite spots in Caldwell County to enjoy a good cup of coffee and book!
Reading books on rainy days, spending time with my grandparents, and tending to my garden!