Phone: 8287546204


Degrees and Certifications:

Dr. Dineen

This is my 21st year in education. I taught all areas of special education at the elementary level for many years in Georgia. I moved into administration as a special education coordinator for elementary school and preschool age students for 6 years prior to moving to North Carolina. Upon moving to Caldwell County I took a position as the media coordinator for Kings Creek School. In 2015 I transitioned back into a special education teaching job at Davenport A+ for 4 years prior to being hired as the assistant principal job at Gamewell Middle School.

Favorite Educational Quote and Why
 If a child cannot learn the way we teach, maybe we should teach the way they learn.

Why I Became An Educator
 Education has always been something that was important in my family. My parents both made sure that we had a good education. My mother taught special education for over 30+ years and seeing the joy on her students faces that she worked with made me want to become a special education teacher. I believe that all children can learn, we may just have to adjust our teaching to get the students to that place.

Favorite Place In Caldwell County
 My family and I spend a lot of time uptown Lenoir. We either go to the gym, out to dinner, or attend different outdoor events.

Spending time with my husband and 3 children. We are always on the go with sports, traveling, or visiting friends and family.