Phone: 8287546204


Degrees and Certifications:

UNC-Charlotte Middle School Math and Science

Ms. Watson

I have been a math teacher for 10 years! I have spent 9 of those years at Gamewell in 7th grade and 8th grade! I have a bachelors in Middle School Education with a double minor in math and science. I also have my AIG certification. I am super excited about working with you and your students this year!

Favorite Educational Quote and Why
I have 2 quotes that I say through the duration of the school to the students:

(1) "There are footprints on the moon" - you can do anything you put your mind to because there are footprints on the moon.

(2) "One Step At A Time" - How do we climb a mountain? One step at a time.

Why I Became An Educator
My goal is to help students change their math mindset to be more positive. I love hearing students say that they "used to hate math". Math has always been my passion and I love being able to show students that they can do it!

Favorite Activites
I enjoy being outside with m son. We like to go to the parks and the greenway!