Take Home Folders

  • Your child will have a blue folder to keep all year. The most important thing to remember about this folder is to make sure your child brings this folder to school everyday. This folder is very special and important. It needs to be taken care of. Your child will bring home papers that he/she completed, any forms I need filled out, or other improtant announcement papers.


    Inside the folder there will be a Keep-at-Home and Return-to-School side. Anytime that your child has papers on the Keep-at-Home side, please look over those papers with your child and take those out of the folder. Papers in the Return-to-School side need to be looked over, completed, and returned to school.


    I will send weekly newsletters through email. These newsletters will include important dates, any reminder, and what we will be learning about that week in class.


    Be sure to check your child's folder each day. They will enjoy showing you all their hard work!