Sports Marketing II

Sport and Event Marketing II

  • 1.00 Understand product management, business law, economics, professional development, marketing-information management, information management, promotion, and selling for the sport and event industries.

    • Position product/services to acquire desired business image.
    • Acquire knowledge of commerce laws and regulations to continue business operations.
    • Analyze cost/profit relationships to guide business decision-making.
    • Acquire information about the sport/event industry to aid in making career choices.
    • Determine global trade’s impact on business decision-making.
    • Collect secondary marketing data to ensure accuracy and adequacy of information for decision making.
    • Utilize information-technology tools to manage and perform work responsibilities.
    • Interpret marketing information to test hypotheses and/or to resolve issues.
    • Acquire information to guide business decision-making.
    • Report findings to communicate research information to others.
    • Manage promotional activities to maximize return on promotional investments.
    • Perform pre-sales activities to facilitate sales presentation.
    • Conduct post-sales follow-up activities to foster ongoing relationships with customers.
    • Employ sales processes and techniques to enhance customer relationships and to increase the likelihood of making sales.
    • Manage promotional activities to maximize return on promotional investments.

    2.00 Understand selling, promotion, and marketing-information management for the sport and event industries.

    • Employ sales processes and techniques to enhance customer relationships and to increase the likelihood of making sales.
    • Manage promotional activities to maximize return on promotional investments.
    • Employ sales processes and techniques to enhance customer relationships and to increase the likelihood of making sales.
    • Conduct post-sales follow-up activities to foster ongoing relationships with customers.
    • Utilize publicity/public-relations activities to create goodwill with stakeholders.
    • Employ sales-promotion activities to inform or remind customers of business/product.
    • Position products/services to acquire desired business image.
    • Work with advertising agency to create marketing communications.
    • Manage promotional activities to maximize return on promotional investments.

    3.00 Understand customer relationships, quality assurance, pricing, product/service management, and financial analysis for the sport and event industries.

    • Acquire product knowledge to communicate product benefits and to ensure appropriateness of product for the customer.
    • Understand operation’s role and function in business to value its contributions to a company.
    • Employ pricing strategies to determine prices.
    • Employ product-mix strategies to meet customer expectations.
    • Employ sales processes and techniques to enhance customer relationships and to increase the likelihood of making sales.
    • Employ product-mix strategies to meet customer expectations.
    • Control sales activities to meet sales goals/objectives.
    • Identify potential business threats and opportunities to protect a business’s financial well-being.
    • Implement quality assurance processes to minimize potential loss.
    • Employ product-mix strategies to meet customer expectations.

    4.00 Understand business decision making and marketing planning for the sport and event industries.

    • Acquire foundational knowledge of marketing-information management to understand its nature and scope.
    • Acquire information to guide business decision making.
    • Apply quality assurances to enhance product/service offerings.
    • Select target market appropriate for product/business to obtain the best return on marketing investment
    • Employ marketing-information to develop a marketing plan.
    • Assess marketing strategies to improve return on marketing investment.