Phone: 704.260.6690


Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. McCorkle


I am the Family and Consumer Science teacher at MPHS. This is my 24th year in education.  I have a BS degree from North Carolina Central University and a Master's degree from Scranton University. I am a National Board Certified Teacher.  I hold a certification as a ServSafe Food Protection Manager as well as a ServSafe Proctor & Administrator Certification.  I am looking forward to another great school year!


Ms. McCorkle's 2nd Semester Schedule

1st Block- Foods & Nutrition 1- 7:15 a.m.- 8:35 a.m.

Tiger Time/P2 Lesson- 8:40 a.m.- 9:35 a.m.

2nd Block- Foods & Nutrition 2- 9:40 a.m.- 11:00 a.m.

3rd Block- Planning 11:05 a.m.- 12:50 p.m.

4th Block- Foods & Nutrition 1- 12:55 p.m.- 2:15 p.m.


Google Voice Phone Number:


Course Curriculum
Canvas Links
Materials you MAY need for my class this semester:
3-ring binder (1 inch or larger)
Markers or colored pencils
Glue stick

Quick Links



    1st Block Foods 1 

    Remind Code- @k66f67 


    2nd Block Foods 1 

    Remind Code- @679923 


    4th Block Foods 2 

    Remind Code-@4foods4 









Class Information

Ms. McCorkle's Face-to-face Classroom Rules


    1. Cell phones- put away cell phones unless it is “BYOT” day.


    1. Stay seated and working on the lesson until the bell rings.


    1. Be on time. Tardy– sweep policy will apply.


    1. Be prepared- Have your materials and be in your assigned seat when the tardy bell rings.


    1. Respect teacher and classmates.


    1. Follow all MPHS rules and policies.


Last Modified on January 20, 2023