Daily Announcements - Thursday

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Daily Announcements - Wednesday

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Daily Announcements - Tuesday

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Daily Announcements - Monday

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Daily Announcements - Friday

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Announcements Friday, May 13, 2022 FCA will have their final meeting Monday 5/16 in Mrs. Furr’s room. Attention FFA members: Do you want to grow in leadership and plan exciting activities for your FFA chapter? Consider applying to become a chapter FFA officer the 2022-23 school year! Applications can be found in a button on Ms. Cauthen’s webpage. They are due today. Any NTHS or Academy member who was unable to attend the recognition ceremony, Mrs. Poole has your items for pick-up in her office today and Monday. If you are a senior and an Eagle Scout, could you please let Mrs. Dickson know. We have Collin Cook, Nathan Sossoman, Eddie Miller and Mitchell Bobrek. Does anyone know of another Senior who is an Eagle in your scout troop? Anyone who is interested in wrestling next year needs to see Coach Spradley by today for information about the summer and camp. MPHS Theatre Presents the spring musical “Anything Goes” May 12th – 14th @ 7pm and May 15th @ 2pm. Tickets are $5 for students and $10 for adults. SENIORS: If you have received any money for college – grants, scholarships, awards– except for loans, please let Mrs. Dickson know. Go to the homepage on the MPHS website. Look in the upper right-hand corner and click on Graduation News and Events, click on the Senior Scholarship survey and complete the Google form. The colleges and universities do NOT report this to us. We keep a tally to turn in to the Cabarrus County Schools district office. You will also be recognized at the Senior Awards Ceremony on Friday, May 20th at 8:00 a.m. Time is running out to get this information turned in! Mrs. Schmitt's third block class will eat 1st lunch today. Here is the lunch menu for today: 4x6” pepperoni pizza or cheese pizza Sweet potato wedges Fresh veggie cup Assortment of fruits Have a great day in Tiger Town!
Last Modified on June 1, 2023