Phone: 704-260-6690


Degrees and Certifications:

BS Sports Management from Elon University

Mrs. Joanna Penission


Hello Tiger students and families!  My name is Joanna Penission and I am thrilled to be teaching English this year.  I grew up outside of Winston-Salem, NC and am a 1997 graduate of Elon University.  My career began in professional sports, working with The Miami Dolphins, The Florida Marlins, The Indy Racing League and the Indianapolis Colts.   After starting a family, I changed careers and have been working in education for almost 10 years now.  I spent several years at MPES and am happy to be in my second year here at MPHS.  I love living and working in the Mount Pleasant community with my husband, 2 kids, 2 dogs and 2 cats.  In my off time I enjoy reading, attending my kids' various games, meets and activities, as well as spending time outdoors, especially in the mountains.  Please reach out to me with any questions or concerns you have.  I'm looking forward to working with each of you!


Click here to view the English I Curriculum. 

Click here to view the English III Curriculum.


Microsoft Teams Links in case of inclement weather:


Daily Schedule.                               Remind Codes

First Period: English I                        @639b3b

2nd Block:                                          Planning

Third Period: English III                     @8399hk

4th Period:  English I                          @ag7ek3

Advisory/Homeroom                         @a3kba7

Click on the course link to view the Canvas page.


Tiger Time Club

I am happy to support the Fellowship of Christian Athletes by hosting the organization's student leaders on Tuesdays.