Phone: 704-260-6690 x 44325


Degrees and Certifications:

Connecticut State University B.A. History LSU B.A. Education Actors Studio (NY and LA) Strasberg Theatre Institute Theatre

Mr. Antonio Villar

I am a graduate of Connecticut State University.  This is my sixteenth year as Theatre Director and twentieth year at Mount Pleasant. We have a fine lineup of shows this year! Please come out and support us.

Mr. Villar's Class Schedule






    1st Block



    7:15 - 8-35


    Theatre Arts




    TIGER Time


    8:40 - 9:25




    2nd Block


     9:30 - 10:55


    Technical Theatre



    3rd Block


     11:00 - 12:50


    Musical Theatre




    A Lunch


     11:00 - 11:20



    B Lunch


    11:20 - 11:40



    C Lunch


    11:40 - 12:00



    D Lunch


    12:10 - 12:30




    E Lunch


    12:30 - 12:50



    4th Block


     12:55 - 2:15



Power Block Schedule

Last Modified on April 3, 2023