• English Bible Story Activities

    Open this power point to check your list of English Bible translations and find some super fun hand motions to help you learn the Eng Bib Story order! Be READY to SHOW Mr. Dye the hand motions!
    *Adv. classes disregard the Cut Outs project - you will be making giant cut outs of the Bibles you presented to create a giant timeline we will put up on the wall!

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  • SCROLL Project



    Choose a passage (3-5 verses) from the New Testament you like, or if you have a favorite passage you may use that. 
    If you don't know what to choose here are some you may pick from:
    *Acts 1:8-11 Jesus Final Instructions to his disciples
    *I Corinthians 13:4-8a - Love
    *Galatians 5:22-25  Fruit of the Spirit
    *Philippians 4:11-13

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  • Bible Books & Categories Games & Review

    Open the Quizlet link and have fun learning the OT books and categories!!

    1.  Do the "Learn", "Write", and "Spell" games first.

    2.  Play "Flashcards",  "Match", and "Gravity" games to see how much
         you know!

    3.  Quizlet Live! = play other students or teams!

    OT Books & Categories

    OT/NT Books Categories Quizlet

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    1.  Complete a 3-2-1,while viewing the short film "How the Biblical Canon was formed"
    3-2-1 Explained:  
    3- takeaways (something you learned or found important)
    2- questions you have after watching the video
    1- connection you make between the video and something you already know
    After posting your response, respond to at least two other people's posts. (*for Canvas, other online format)
    *responses need to show thought and understanding.



    2.  "DIFFERENT BIBLES" handout - Go to the link below and look at the article and table to compare and contrast the different Bibles list of books.  Follow instructions on the handout to highlight the differences. 

    Table of Different Bible Books



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    Learn about the basics of a Bible and different Bible Resource books and online websites that will be helpful/useful to you not only this semester but outside of school also!

    Open the google doc.  MAKE A COPY FIRST.

    BIBLE BASICS and RESOURCES - google doc assignment

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  • HOW THE BIBLE CAME TO BE - Development of the Canon

    Open the Power Point and answer the questions on the first slide.  Use the following videos and article as well as the internet (cite sources!) to find the information.


    The Bible Explored - A Brief History (stop 7:40)

    1.  The Canon - watch until 2:45

    2.  Translation into English - 2:46 - 7:40

    How did the NT Canon Develop -video

    Development of the NT Canon - article


    5 Amazing Bible Facts! - video  *skip first :15 seconds


    To Go Further...

    How do we explain the BIble's 400,000 errors? - video


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  • How the Bible Came to Be - Significant People "Mini-Profiles"

    Follow the link to open a google doc assignment.  MAKE A COPY OF THE ASSIGNMENT INTO YOUR GOOGLE DOCS so you can complete it and share your own copy with Mr. Dye.

    How the Bible Came to Be - Significant People Mini-Profiles Google Doc


    TO TURN IN:  MAKE IT "CAN COMMENT" AND SHARE TO michael.dye@apps.cabarrus.k12.nc.us


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    The story of the English Bible is a fascinating story of mystery, rebellion, and sacrifice.  If these people had not believed what they believed, nor taken the actions they had taken, we today may not have the Bible available today as we know it! 

    I.  Create your own “ENGLISH BIBLE STORY TIMELINE”.  Put it IN ORDER BY DATE.  Color-code it by using a DIFFERENT COLOR FOR EACH DIFFERENT LANGUAGE. Use the word bank listed below (they are not in order!).

    #1-18 –

    NKJV                                 NIV                          COVERDALE BIBLE  
    NASB                              ESV                          AMERICAN STANDARD

    #19-20.  2 other NEW, MODERN Bible versions of your own
      choosing that were made AFTER 2015.  Include:  Date,
      group that translated it; Name of Bible; KEY fact about it

    www.greatsite.com -  click: “English Bible History” – click: “Timeline” 
    *as you are making your English Bible Timeline click on any names of the Bibles or translators to find out more information and facts about them.

    II.  PRESENTATION -  Choose two Bible's to research and learn more about their translation story.  Create an interesting presentation to teach the class about the two Bibles you chose. 


    For each Bible include:   
    - Date/Name/Language of the Bible       
    - at least two pics (one of the Bible, one of a page showing

      the writing/lettering)
    - Name of the translator and at least 2 pics
    - Date & How they died
    - Key Fact of the Bible (what is it known for?  "the first ____" or for the newer Bibles what makes it different today)


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  • Adv NT - English Bible Story Martin Luther

    1.  Watch movie "Luther" on the life of Martin Luther in class.  Do a 3-2-1 on your own paper and turn in:

    3 -take aways (what you learned/found interesting)

    2 - questions you thought of during the movie

    1 - connection you made to something in modern day


    2. Crossword - "The Reformation"

    Do and turn in when you finish.  Use this link to find any answers on the Reformation crossword you don't know.

    Martin Luther - britannica


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  • UNIT 1 TEST REVIEW - Quizlets

    Use these quizlets to review Unit 1 for the Test


    Hebrew Bible & the Scribes (OT only)

    Bible Resources

    Bible Book Categories

    Putting the NT Together (NT only)

    The English Bible Story

    re-Watch video:

    The Bible Explored - a brief history (English Bible)

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Last Modified on March 12, 2021