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Teaching Bible in Public Schools
Article by Prof. Mark Chancey SMU
How Should We Teach Bible in Public Schools? article
Society of Biblical Literature - A guide to Bible in public schools
Books of the Bible! Rap/Songs
Use these to help learn the books!
Books Rap Steven Wiley *start at 3:05 of the rap
Bible Quizzes from the UK!
Scroll down and find the Bible characters we studied this semester. Take the quiz and see how well you remember them!*Click on Quizzes in top menu for other categories too. -
Bible People Quizzes has many quizzes on different Bible characters. See Who You Know! -
Bible Quizzes (OT & NT)
OT - Take any quiz related to the Old Testament and/or a character we have studied this semester.NT - Take any quiz on the New Testament or Jesus.
Last Modified on September 26, 2022