• 2022-23 Season “Live and Learn”


    Sept 8-9 - Fall Cabaret Auditions @ 2:30pm

    Sept 12 - The Yellow Boat Auditions @ 2:30pm

    Sept 15 - Fall Cabaret Dress Rehearsal @ 2:30pm-5pm

    Sept 16 – Fall Cabaret Performance @ 7pm

    Oct 14 - Student One Act Proposals Due

    Oct 17-18 - Student One Act Auditions @ 2:30pm

    Oct 17-19 – The Yellow Boat Dress Rehearsals @ 2:30pm-6pm

    Oct 20-21 – A Breakneck Run Through Theatre History and The Yellow Boat @ 7pm

    Nov 14-16 - Spongebob: The Musical Auditions @ 2:30pm, Dance Audition the 16th

    Dec 1 - Student One Acts Dress Rehearsal @ 2:30pm-5pm

    Dec 2 – Student One Acts Performance (Theme: Learn the Hard Way) @ 7pm

    Dec 9 - 24 Hour Theatre Meeting @ 7pm

    Dec 10 – 24 Hour Theatre (Theme: Kicking It Old School) @ 7pm

    Jan 6 – All I Really Need to Know I Learned In Kindergarten @ 7pm

    Feb 13-17 & 20-22 - Spongebob: The Musical Dress Rehearsals @ 2:30pm-8pm

    Feb 23-25 – Spongebob: The Musical @ 7pm

    Mar 10-11 - Spring Cabaret Auditions @ 2:30pm

    Mar 23 - Spring Cabaret Dress Rehearsal @ 2:30pm - 5pm

    Mar 24 – Spring Cabaret Performance @ 7pm

    Apr 21 – Improv Performance (Theme: Class Clowns) @ 7pm

    May 26 – Directing Showcase (Theme: Life Lessons) @ 7pm

    May 10-11 – The Rainbow Fish Musical @ 7pm

Last Modified on November 8, 2022