• French 1 Course Description:  An introductory level French course designed for students with little or no French language experience.  The focus is on basic conversational and survival vocabulary.  
    Unit Guide
    1:  Greetings, alphabet & numbers, accents & pronunciation, friends & family members.
    2:  Café food & beverages, how to pay for things, telling time, date & weather.
    3:  Preferred activities (common regular verbs), inviting people to do things & how to accept/decline, the verb être (to be) & faire (to make/do)  
    4:  Common items (classroom & bedroom objects), descriptions, placement prepostions (under, on, in front of...), the verb avoir (to have)
    5:  Places around town, address, directions to and from places, the verbs aller (to go) and venir (to come) & the tenses that use those verbs (near future/recent past), the prepositions à and de, possessive adjectives (my, your, his...)
    French 2 Course Description:  An intermediate level French course meant as a continuation of the knowledge obtained in French 1.  We build off of prior knowledge and add new concepts and vocabulary to ones we have already learned, in addition to learning brand new topics.
    Unit Guide
    1:  French 1 review, family members (extended), professions, expressions that use the verbs être, avoir and faire, adjectives (irregular rules)
    2:  Weekend activities, countryside & forest vocab (plants & animals), passé composé (past tense)
    3:  Food (advanced), meals, table setting, quantities, specialty stores (bakery, creamery, etc.)
    4:  House vocabulary, daily routine verbs (reflexives) & toiletries, direct & indirect object pronouns (I gave IT to HER)
    French 3 Course Description:  An intermediate level French course that encourages students to improve on their French from the two previous courses.  Students do much more speaking and composing in French, and the course is taught in more French than in previous levels. This course is intended as a pre-AP course, but it is NOT taught at the AP level! It is just in case upper-level students would like to take the French AP exam in their 4th year, they will already have been exposed to many of the sub-themes from the AP curriculum.
    Unit Guide
    1:  Les défis mondiaux: Le gaspillage alimentaire - food waste
    2:  La science et la technologie: Les inventeurs/les découverts, les médias sociaux - inventions/discoveries and social media
    3:  La vie contemporaine: Les vacances et les célébrations du monde francophone - vacation and Francophone holidays
    4:  La quête de soi: L'identité linguistique, l'immigration & l'assimilation - language and identity, immigration/assimilation
    5: La famille et la communauté: la structure familiale, l'enfance et l'adolescence
    6: La beauté: la musique et les arts littéraires - music and literature of the francophone world 
    French 4 Course Description:  An intermediate level French course that focuses on usage and synthesis in the target language.  Students should know most of the grammar they will need for the course already, with a few new topics. This course is also intended as a pre-AP course, but it is NOT taught at the AP level! It is just in case upper-level students would like to take the French AP exam in their 4th year, they will already have been exposed to many of the sub-themes from the AP curriculum (since we do not offer AP French...yet?).
    Unit Guide
    Unit Guide
    1:  Les défis mondiaux: Les droits des êtres humains, le paix et la guerre - Human rights, peace and war
    2:  La science et la technologie: Les nouvelles technologies/les nouveaux méthodes pour la communication - the future of technology, new methods of communication
    3:  La vie contemporaine: le monde du travail, l'enseignement et l'education - The world of work, teaching and education
    4:  La quête de soi: Le nationalisme et le pluriculturalisme - nationalism/national symbols and multiculturalism/cultural identities.
    5: La Famille et la communauté: la structure familiale, les coutumes et les cérémonies - advanced familial structure discussion, customs and ceremonies
    6: La beauté: les arts visuels et l'architecture - Visual arts and architecture
Last Modified on January 18, 2019