    The following list is for ALL courses:
    - School-issued Chromebook AND charger
    - writing utensils of their choice (pen/pencil)
    - notebook/binder section for the course (in other words, keep your notes separate from other subjects in some way! Note: I provide copies of ALL notes digitally unless required by accommodation; hard copies will only be given out for certain notes, otherwise. Students are )
    - home Internet access (please contact me if this is an issue)
    - WIRED earbuds/earphones (no expensive ones, please--Bluetooth earbuds/headphones will NOT be allowed this year)
    - Coloring utensils (crayons, colored pencils, or markers)
    - scissors
    - glue stick
    - highlighter
    **On a side note, if any parents are feeling super generous, the class would greatly appreciate an occasional box of tissues or some hand sanitizer...especially when cold/flu season rolls around!
Last Modified on August 19, 2022