Phone: 704-920-7166 (Ext 1513)


Degrees and Certifications:

B.A - Major: Adolescent Education (Social Studies) Minor: History Coaching Certification

Mr. Trevor Roorda

Hello, and welcome!

My name is Trevor Roorda and I am proud to be a member of the outstanding team of educators that the Central Cabarrus Family has to offer. My classes include World History, American History, and AP Psychology. 

Aside from guiding students in the classroom I take great pride in being the girls tennis coach and coaching the track and field program at CCHS in the spring. At Central Cabarrus I also serve as PLC lead for World History, SIT rep for the history department, and mentor beginning teachers. With my time away from Central I enjoy playing all types of sports, as well as jogging, hiking, fishing and playing the drums. 

Bachelors Degree - SUNY Oswego


I look forward to working with the students that pass through my door and am extremely excited for a very positive and successful 2020 school year.


Open House and Welcome Information 

Open House will take place on Wednesday August 12th. By clicking on the following link you will be brought to a live micrsoft teams meeting where I will be going over expectations for World History and AP Psychology. Open House Live Meeting

Parents and students can also follow this link to see a welcome video form myself where important infromation for the 2020-2021 school year will be discussed. Welcome Video

***Below you will find my schedule and link to teams meetings. 


Block 1 - World History

Block 2 - Planning 

Block 3 - American History II

Block 4 - World History


Communication and Canvas 

The main form of communication for my classroom will be through Canvas announcments and email. Students are encouraged to use their school email address, download the canvas app to their phones or tablets, and to turn on notifications for Canvas updates. All Canvas updates and announcments are automatially sent students emails. Using my email address for any questions will be the most effecient way to ensure a prompt response from myself. Parents, please use the information below to enroll in, and monitor the progress of your students in my canvas course. 

Students - Go to and enter your school computer username and password (click Login)

Parents - Refer to the Document Tab (Left Side of Page) and download the Canvas Instructions for Parents File

Important Canvas Note - While Canvas does store and show grades, it does not show every grade that students receive.  PowerSchool should still be monitored to view student grades.


College and Career Readiness