District Attendance Areas

  • It is the goal of BISD to maintain stable school attendance areas and minimize involuntary school transfers. Students in the district will attend the school designated for the geographic attendance area in which he or she resides. However, the attendance area may vary from year to year and/or for each grade level. 

    At the elementary level, we have flexible boundaries among Blakely, Ordway and Wilkes schools. This means at times we must transfer students between schools to maintain equitable class sizes across grade levels within the district. Concerted efforts will be made to minimize student moves between schools by determining teacher assignments based on the projected enrollment for each grade level at each school and by carefully reviewing all requests for specific school assignments submitted by parents. 

    In an effort to maintain equitable class loads and to permit the various elementary schools of the district to maintain classroom space for art, music, Title I/LAP services, programs for students with disabilities, and other specialized services offered to students, BISD authorizes the use of flexible boundary lines for each elementary school in the district. 

    An explanation of flexible boundaries will be outlined each year as a part of the Kindergarten Parent Information Night and as a part of the enrollment process for new students.

    When possible, families of students who may be impacted by a potential change of school assignment will be notified by phone or by email before the end of the current school year. Building administrators will be available in mid-August to review school assignment concerns with guardian(s). For those students affected by school transfers, principals will establish a time when students and their guardians may visit the new school prior to the first day of school.

    This decision will be made by the school district administration after carefully considering all relevant information. Requests for specific school assignments may be submitted for consideration according to Policy 3131.

    BISD School Board Policy 3130 and Procedure 3130; BISD School Board Policy 3131 outlines district attendance areas. 

    Updated August 2022