Releasing Students During Emergency Situations

  • BISD is prepared for a variety of emergency situations. Emergency plans are routinely reviewed and updated. 

    The following points provide some direction regarding emergency situations:

    • In an emergency, all students will be kept at school until the end of the school day or longer if the emergency dictates
    • Parents may provide an extended list of authorized adults to whom they give authority to pick up their children in an emergency situation
    • Parents or authorized persons may remove their children from school in an emergency
    • Should conditions exist that make transportation impossible, students will be kept at school until the parent, guardian or an authorized adult comes to check the student out of school. It is expected that the parents/guardians/authorized adults will come as soon as possible to pick up their student(s)
    • In all situations, the superintendent may make other decisions dependent on the type of emergency.
    • To check a student out of school during/after an emergency, the parent/guardian/authorized adult should:
      • have their picture ID with them when they arrive;
      • report to the area designated for student requests;
      • complete necessary paperwork;
      • proceed as directed to student pick-up area; and
      • wait for student(s) to be escorted to them

    Please remember that under many emergency conditions, telephone service may be unavailable for outgoing or incoming calls. 

    Updated August 2023