
    Academic assessments provide information to identify and address the learning goals and needs of each individual student in the Bainbridge Island School District (BISD). BISD students participate in state, school, and classroom assessments that provide valuable information for students, their families and staff to improve student learning.
    Academic growth and achievement are most accurate with the use of multiple measures. Assessments provide one measure of student learning. The Bainbridge Island School District's assessment program includes:
    Student Achievement
    Bainbridge Island School District students earn some of the highest achievement scores in the state. For information about our students' academic achievement, visit:

    Helping Your Student Meet Standard

    We encourage you to contact your classroom teachers, counselors, or school administrators to talk more about your particular child's academic history and specific needs. Contact information for your school can be found at your school's webpage.

    Helping your student all year long:

    • Make sure your student attends school every day, except when ill. Absences create gaps in student learning that can cause later problems in student achievement.
    • Show an interest in your student's learning. Provide support and a quiet place for reading and homework.
    • Take practice tests and review examples of actual past test questions at the OSPI (Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction) website.
    • Keep track of your student's progress:
      • Keep track of their classroom activities and assignments by touching base with teachers and your student regularly or use Skyward Family Access. Some elementary and all secondary schools offer Skyward Family Access (click the Skyward Family Access button located at the very top of the page) to track your student's progress. Contact the Office Manager at your child's school to find out if Skyward Family Access is available and how to use it.

      • The state has created useful brochures to help guardians understand the Washington State K-12 Learning Standards (what students should be doing at each grade level) and what state testing to expect at each grade level. These are available in a variety of languages. OSPI's Your Child's Progress. 

    During state testing time:

    • Let your students know you expect them to do their best, but to not get stressed out about it!  It’s just another piece of information about how they are learning, so teachers can help them learn better.
    • Ask them about the test. What did they think was hard? Why? What did they think was easy? Why? Let them know you are interested but don’t be judgmental about their approaches.