High School Students at Island Rock Gym

Other Academic Options

    Commodore Options School is the “umbrella” for educational options including Eagle Harbor High School (9-12), Odyssey Multiage Program (K-8)*, and Mosaic Home Education Partnership (K-8). The programs hold in common the value of high parent involvement, student-centered learning and connections beyond the classroom. For more information, visit the BISD Commodore Options School web-page. (https://bit.ly/2XPEQXj)
    The El Velero Spanish Immersion Program is a Kindergarten through 4th grade curriculum in a bilingual Spanish immersion environment housed at Ordway Elementary. For more information, visit the El Velero web-page. https://www.bisd303.org/domain/1906

    Along with Bainbridge High and Eagle Harbor High, there are additional options such as:
    • Running Start allows high school juniors and seniors to attend classes at local community colleges and earn tuition-free credits. Students may enroll simultaneously in high school and college classes, or solely in college classes while fulfilling high school graduation requirements. For more information, visit the Running Start web-page. (https://bit.ly/2XKbher)
    • West Sound Technical Skills Center is located in Bremerton and offers an opportunity for high school students (ages 16 - 21 or in grades 11th and 12th) to learn job skills as part of their public education at no cost to the student.
      Students who take courses at WSTSC can also take afternoon classes at their high school. Bus transportation is provided. Students must register with their high school counselor and at WSTSC.
      For more information, visit the WSTSC web-page https://www.westsoundtech.org/
    *Admittance to Odyssey and El Velero is through a lottery application process.
    Updated August 2023