Internet Resources

  • Helping our students stay safe and make responsible choices on the Internet is of great importance to the Bainbridge Island School District, and Internet safety can be promoted at home. The following resources will help students and their families develop Internet Safety practices and Digital Citizenship behaviors. 
    With increased access to devices and the Internet, the concept of Digital Citizenship is of great importance for all who use "the web". Digital Citizenship relates to the way in which individuals communicate and present themselves on the Internet, and the identity users develop through interactions on the Internet and social networking sites.  School-based activities and discussion about Digital Citizenship include awareness and resources related to Internet Safety and cyberbullying prevention and response. The Bainbridge Island School District includes instruction in Digital Citizenship at appropriate grade levels as students access the Internet at school. If you have questions or concerns, please contact your child's teacher, teacher-librarian, counselor, or the principal at your child's school.
    With these resources, you can begin the conversation at home today!