Animals on School Grounds

  • In order to provide a safe and healthy environment, animals are not allowed on school grounds during school hours unless one of the following conditions are met: 

    1. A “service animal” means any dog or miniature horse that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability, including a physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual, or other mental disability. The work or tasks performed by the service animal must be directly related to the individual’s disability. (School Board Policy 2030 and School Board Procedure 2030P outlines Service Animals in Schools.)

    2. The animal is an instructional support to a classroom lesson outlined in district adopted curriculum, and its presence provides an educational benefit. 

    3. District staff members are complying with law enforcement or other government emergency service agencies. 

    4. Animals are confined in a vehicle. (Please use caution in doing so as temperatures can quickly rise inside the interiors of vehicles.)

    5. After school hours and sponsored events.

    6. Exceptions to this policy may be requested and granted by the school building principal or the facility supervisor. 

    BISD School Board Policy 2029 outlines the district’s policy on animals on school grounds. 


    Updated August 2023