Special Education Services


    Some students face certain learning, physical, emotional, and developmental challenges that interfere with their educational progress and achievement. Often these challenges are such that the students cannot overcome their difficulties without special attention and support. An important goal of the Bainbridge Island School District is to provide special education services for eligible students that will help them achieve to their fullest potential.


    To qualify for special education, the following criteria must be met:
    • The student must have a disability, and
    • the disability must have a significant negative impact on the student’s education, and
    • the impact can only be addressed through special designed education.

    How to Apply for Services:

    If your child is struggling, speak to your child’s teacher or contact the building principal. The district has many resources to help students before turning to special education. Families who wish to investigate whether their child would qualify for special education services should contact a school counselor for a confidential consultation.
    Procedural Safeguards:
    Notice of Special Education Procedural Safeguards for Students and Their Families.  See also Notice of Special Education Procedural Safeguards for Students and Their Families (English)
    State regulations require Notification of Parents/Guardians regarding the Use of Isolation and Restraint be provided to parents of all students eligible for special education, or 504 Plan, whether or not this policy applies to an individual student.  If you have questions regarding this notification, please contact your child’s special education or 504 case manager, or the Special Services office at 206-842-2907.  
    BISD School Board Policy #2161 and Procedures #P2161 outline the district's policy on the Education of Students with Disabilities.
    Contact your child's School Counselor or:
    Special Services Office