Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics (STEAM)



    Roosevelt STEAM Academy has been selected to be in the 2020-2022 cohort for  Digital Promise through Verizon Innovative Learning, which will help close the Digital Learning Gap for our students. Enhancing our strong connection to Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM) at Roosevelt, where teachers are preparing students to be critical thinkers and effective real-world problem-solvers in these important areas. This focus has brought forth numerous exciting programs, which have put Roosevelt students at the forefront of STEAM in preparing students for their future.


    STEAM is integrated into both classroom Curriculum, Electives, and Extracurricular Activities 

      • Interdisciplinary Studies Students will regularly have to use cross curricular concepts in classes.  For example, students may write about scientific problems in their English class or may use their math skills in a coding class.  
      • Code To The Future is used in both Science and Technology Classes to teach computer science through immersion. 
      • MESA College prep program to spark an interest in STEM by bridging classroom concepts to real-world practices, and inspires youth on their STEM journey to their higher education and their future success.
      • Robotics consists of a Robotics Class elective during the school day and a Robotics Club that meets after school. Students use LEGO Mindstorms and VEX IQ robotics platforms, using RobotC programming language for both LEGO and VEX. Students also use virtual reality to program and operate robots in Robot Virtual Worlds. Roosevelt Robotics competes in FIRST LEGO League, VEX IQ Challenge, and Remote Aerial Drone (RAD) competition.
      • Music/Band/Orchestra students learn or continue learning how to play an instrument and perform regularly with two school concerts annually. 
      • Piano Introduction class to the piano where students learn how to read music,  find notes on the piano, and play songs.
      • Graphic Design Career Technical Education (CTE), Common Core (CCS), and Visual and Performing Arts (VAPA) Standards guide computer software (Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, and Google Apps) lessons. Graphic Design class teaches skills on how to recognize and incorporate The Elements and Principles of Art and Design.
      • Art  Appreciation and Practical Art projects involving design, drawing, painting, crafts, and mixed media. Learning Art Appreciation by way of vocabulary, reading, and creative writing assignments with technology incorporated into certain lessons and projects. This class will teach students how to recognize and incorporate the Elements and Principles of Art and Design.    
      • Dance helps students enhance their critical thinking skills, coordination, strength, and flexibility, as well as improve their overall dance technique. Students will also develop an understanding of the discipline and structure of dance classes, rehearsal, and performance etiquette. Students will experience these elements through a variety of genres (contemporary dance, lyrical, hip hop and others)  
      • Culinary Arts expands students' knowledge on not just how to cook from scratch using a recipe but will teach students to appreciate cooking as an art form, develop an understanding of different cultures, encourage a healthy lifestyle, and develop soft skills that are required in a professional setting. 
      • Coding Opportunities to use Code to the Future, JavaScript, and Unity 3D, Autodesk, and Maya to learn and expand their knowledge of computer science. Project-based learning allows students to create content that is relative to them.
      • Flag Dual Immersion Students currently enrolled in the German and Spanish continue their bilingual learning. An introductory Spanish elective course is available for 8th-grade  students 
      • Invention Convention Students have the opportunity to follow their curiosity to invent a creative solution to a problem.
      • Math Field Day A competition designed for participants to demonstrate their knowledge of mathematical reasoning and teamwork in computational and procedural skills, conceptual understanding, and problem-solving.