Learning Pathways Descriptions

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    Advanced Band/Concert Band (Year Course)

    This is an advanced class for students wishing to continue learning their chosen band instrument (flute, clarinet, oboe, saxophone, trumpet, trombone, baritone, tuba, electric guitar, or drums). This class performs regularly and will perform as a marching band at some parades.


    Advanced Orchestra (Year Course)

    This is an advanced class for students wishing to continue learning their chosen string instrument (violin, viola, cello, and string bass).  Piano players who have had at least four years of lessons may take this class. This class performs regularly.


    Beginning Band (Year Course)

    This class is for students who want to learn flute, clarinet, oboe, saxophone, trumpet, trombone, baritone, tuba, electric guitar, or drums. No experience is needed.  


    Beginning Orchestra (Year Course)

    This class is for students who want to learn violin, viola, cello, or string bass. No experience is needed.  


    Beginning Piano (Year Course)

    This class will teach students basic keyboard skills, music reading, and music theory. Keyboard history and literature will be presented in the second semester.


    Beginning Spanish (Year Course - 8th Graders Only)

    This class is for students who want to begin learning Spanish. Students will learn Spanish vocabulary, pronouns and sentence structure while learning the fundamentals of speaking, reading, and writing the language.  Students who successfully complete this class in 8th grade are able to begin high school Spanish in the second year.  This allows students a head start on meeting the A-G requirements in preparation for college.  


    Culinary (Year Course - 8th Graders Only)

    This course places an emphasis on cooking basics and food choices for good nutrition and personal health.  Students will learn fundamental culinary techniques and nutrition basics.  Students who successfully complete this course are eligible to begin the Glendale High School Culinary Program in the second year, which can lead to industry certification. Successful completion of the one-semester Exploratory Family & Consumer Science class is a prerequisite to take this class in 8th grade.  


    Dance (Year Course)

    Dance is a year-long exploratory class that presents dance as an art form that stimulates the mind as well as challenges the body. Students will develop an understanding of the discipline and structure of dance classes, rehearsal, and performance etiquette. Students will experience these elements through a variety of genres, such as modern dance, lyrical, hip-hop, and others.  Students who successfully complete this course and receive a teacher's recommendation may continue with the Glendale High School award-winning Dance & Drill Team program without having to try out. 


    Digital Media Essentials (Semester Course)

    This is a one-semester course in the Arts, Media & Entertainment industry sector. Students will learn the basic foundations of graphic design and computer graphic fundamentals. A specialized curriculum in contemporary media involving digital design, moving graphics, and printing will be introduced. This course prepares students for careers in the Arts, Media & Entertainment sector. 


    Experiential Wheel (Year Course - For All 6th Graders)

    This course consists of a rotation of four different elective courses, one quarter at a time.  The Wheel experience gives our 6th grade students the opportunity to sample the many elective pathways available at Roosevelt, so students may better choose their 7th and 8th grade classes. The rotation of four classes is determined by RMS administration.


    Exploratory Family & Consumer Science/Life Skills (Semester Course)

    This course is designed to equip students with essential skills for living. Students will learn skills for managing personal, family, and work responsibilities, while also providing a foundation for further study in the Consumer and Family Sciences content areas such as: consumer education, individual and family health, fashion and interior design, and food and nutrition. This course provides project-based learning, integrating academic and career-technical concepts to promote the highest level of learning.  EFCS is a prerequisite for students who wish to take Culinary in 8th grade. 


    FLAG (click here)   

    The GUSD Foreign Language Academies of Glendale (FLAG) program offers Dual Language Immersion Programs in seven languages. Two of the language pathways, German and Spanish, are taught at Roosevelt Middle School. All dual language immersion classes are taught by fully-bilaterate, credentialed teachers.  


    Gen Yes (Application Required) (Year Course) 

    This course provides the online resources and environment necessary to prepare a team of Student Technology Leaders (STLs) with the skills to support the technology integration efforts of teachers, IT staff, and other adults working at the school. Lessons, activities, and assignments involve assisting the school community in one of three ways:

    1. Helping teachers learn technology skills
    2. Creating resources that teachers use in their lessons
    3. Assisting IT staff's efforts to maintain the school's technology infrastructure 


    Teens 4 Success (Year Course)

    This course is designed to provide students with the opportunity to get ahead in their schoolwork and studies, while also learning skills to improve study habits and organization. Students may work alone, collaboratively in groups, or with the help of a teacher in a quiet setting.  


    Intro to Computers and Technology (Coding) (Year Course)

    Introduction to Computers and Technology is an introductory course that gives students an overview of how to effectively use computer hardware, software, and technologies. This course introduces students to the foundational knowledge of programming and computer science. Novice or coder, students will learn how to code or build upon their current skills. This course bridges the foundational knowledge of programming skills to both 3D modeling and robotics. Students will explore web literacy and how to navigate the Internet safely.  Moreover, students will learn how to be good digital citizens while demonstrating what they have learned while online.


    Introduction to Cosmetology (Year Course - 8th Graders Only)

    This class teaches fundamental theory and techniques related to hair, skin, and nail care and design. Lectures, demonstrations and practical procedures will emphasize safety and client protection.  Students who successfully complete this course will be able to begin the Glendale High School Cosmetology Academy in the second year.  


    Introduction to Media & Digital Arts (Year Course - 8th Graders Only)

    This is an advanced course in the Arts, Media & Entertainment industry sector.  Students will continue to build upon the foundations of graphic design and computer graphic fundamentals learned in the one-semester Digital Media Essentials course. Students will become familiar with ADOBE software. Successful completion of the one-semester Digital Media Essentials class is a prerequisite to taking this class in 8th grade. 


    Pathways to College (Year Course)

    This course helps students develop the skills necessary to pursue acceptance to a four-year university. College tours, career exploration, and goal setting are also part of this fun, exciting class. Students receive academic support and guidance as it relates to planning an academic and career pathway through high school and on to college.  


    Robotics/Introduction to STEM (Year Course)

    In this class, students will be introduced to the ways humans use robotic technology in daily life. Students will also learn how to design, build, and write computer code for the purpose of solving a variety of engineering challenges. 


    Student Government/ASB (Application Required) (Year Course)

    ASB students are the leaders of the school. This class consists of the ASB officers of President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer, in addition to the 7th grade President and Vice President. Additional students are in the class to help the officers with the many tasks assigned to ASB such as budgeting, running student activities, fundraising, creating school spirit events, and assisting with communication between students and school administration. 


    Teacher’s Assistant/Office Aid (Application Required) (Year Course)

    Students in this course will be assigned to a specific teacher or office to assist with the daily operations of the classroom or office.  Students may help with filing, organizing, running errands around campus, student activities, etc.  Students must have good grades, good citizenship and be known for responsible and dependable behavior. Excellent participation in this program can lead to references and letters of recommendation for future jobs, volunteer opportunities, scholarships and academic programs.  



    Virtual Reality Game Design & Programming (Year Course) 

    This is a one-year introductory course in the Arts, Media & Entertainment - Game Design industry sector. Students will learn basic foundations of video game design for both 2D and 3D games, and to program their game using C# and Visual Scripting (Bolt). Specialized curriculum in the field of virtual reality games will be introduced and the games that are built will be played on a virtual reality headset (Oculus and HTC Vive). This course prepares students with knowledge of the technology and software packages they will need to build video games and software applications for careers in the Arts, Media & Entertainment - Game Design sector. The foundation and pathway standards make explicit the appropriate knowledge, skills, and practical experience students should have to pursue a profession in this field, through whatever course of postsecondary, collegiate, and graduate training or apprenticeship it may require. Unity certification tests may be offered. The Advanced Virtual Reality Game Design class builds upon the skills learned in this course further preparing students for a career in this field.  


    Yearbook (Year Course)

    Students in this class will work on the production of the Roosevelt annual yearbook. Through the use of photography, design, and layout, students will complete a certain number of assigned yearbook pages.  Students must have good attendance, a positive attitude, be able to work effectively and efficiently with others, be self-starters, and be committed to creating a quality product.  As a member of the yearbook staff you will have the satisfaction of knowing that you were part of the team that preserved a piece of Roosevelt history.